Marias River Electric Cooperative, Inc. (MRE) is a rural electric cooperative, organized for the purpose of providing electrical distribution service to its members in and around the Toole County area. Any person, corporation, or business may receive electrical service by applying for membership and complying with the membership by-laws. MRE is a non-profit utility. Annually, the board of trustees vote to return profits made by the cooperative that exceed the the cost of providing safe and reliable electric service. If approved, these profits are assigned back to our members in accordance to their patronage. This assignment to the members is allocated as capital credits. When the financial condition of the cooperative will allow, the cooperative returns capital credits to our members in the form of a capital credit check.
Marias River Electric Cooperative, Inc. is governed by an elected Board of Trustees. Each of the nine Trustees are members of the cooperative and must reside in the district that they represent. They are elected at the annual membership meeting and serve for a three year term. The Board of Trustees hire a manager to run the day to day operations of the cooperative who is responsible for the overall operation of the business. Each year at the membership annual meeting they report to the members on the condition of the cooperative and must operate the cooperative in accordance with the By-Laws adopted by the members.